Additional Costs to Consider

Purchasing a home involves one-time costs and monthly expenses. The largest one-time cost is the down payment. It usually represents between 5-20% of the total price of the property.

Down Payment:

5% or more.
In some cases a 10% down payment is required depending on the Buyers employment, income and credit history.

Other Costs:

Processing a Mortgage

Appraisal & Application Fee $235.00 approx. For lender purposes & CMHC insurance.

Mortgages Life Insurance


Pre-Approved for a mortgage

Get approved by a Mortgage Broker, Lender (Bank) or Trust Company.
Buyer Incentives

Land Transfer Tax Rebate – for first time home buyers (up to $4,000)

Down Payment: 5% down for Buyers.

RRSP Monies: Can be used for Down Payment, up to $25,000 for each individual involved in the purchase.

First Time Home Buyer Incentive: The incentive allows eligible first-time homebuyers, to apply to finance a portion (5-10%) of their home purchase through a form of shared equity mortgage with the Government of Canada.

Home Inspection

$ 400.00-500.00 (approx). Highly recommended for both resale and new construction.

Legal Fees Disbursements

  • Varies ($700-1,000)
  • Sub-Search of Title
  • Water & Sewage Certificate
  • Status Certificate
  • Register the Deed
  • Title Insurance
  • Title Search
  • Tax Certificate
  • Hydro Certificate
  • Register the Mortgage
  • Plus standard office disbursements including, photocopies, postage, courier services, fax charges (as applicable).

Statement of Adjustments

Given to the Buyer upon Closing

This is a summary of all costs and expenses paid by the Buyer(s) and will be provided to the Buyer(s) upon closing.

Land Transfer Tax

Paid on the final date of closing to the Treasurer of Ontario. Calculated using final Purchase Price of home. Rebate on payment of Land Transfer Tax up to $4000.00 is available to First Time Buyers


NOTE: A survey is not transferable and belongs to the individual who paid for the survey. You cannot rely on the accuracy of the information unless you ordered and paid for the survey. Copies of survey’s received from Sellers, can only be used for re-finance purposes.
Title Insurance

$300 (approx). If there is no Survey, title insurance will satisfy the Lender and you will not have to incur the cost of a new survey. Title insurance is a must on all Real Property Purchases.


All fees, costs & disbursements quoted are approximate. Actual fees, costs & disbursements could be more or less and should be obtained directly from the Lawyer.

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